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Report No.

Evaluation of long-term safety of geological disposal of high-level waste generated during reprocessing spent MOX-LWR fuels

Minari, Eriko*; Kabasawa, Satsuki ; Mihara, Morihiro  ; Makino, Hitoshi ; Nakase, Masahiko*; Asano, Hidekazu*; Takeshita, Kenji*

As a study on long-term safety of geological disposal of high-level waste (HLW) generated during reprocessing spent mixed oxide fuel in light water reactors (MOX-LWRs), two types of HLW are considered. One is HLW generated from MOX-LWR reprocessing and another is blended MOX-UO$$_{2}$$ HLW generated during reprocessing process whereby MOX fuels are diluted by UO$$_{2}$$ fuels. Radionuclide migration analyses for those two HLWs are conducted, and commonalities and differences between two HLWs in the viewpoint of long-term safety are discussed.



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