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Development of microwave hybrid heating method by using CNT-containing ceramics composites

瀬川 智臣 ; 川口 浩一  ; 石井 克典 ; 田丸 彩夏*; 山田 雅晃*; 深澤 智典*; 石神 徹*; 福井 国博*

Segawa, Tomoomi; Kawaguchi, Koichi; Ishii, Katsunori; Tamaru, Ayaka*; Yamada, Masaaki*; Fukasawa, Tomonori*; Ishigami, Toru*; Fukui, Kunihiro*


The microwave heating method is used in the reprocessing process of spent fuels. To improve the powder quality in fuel fabrication for the fast reactor, research and development of a microwave hybrid heating method, which combines microwave heating with external heating, is advanced. However, the installation of heating equipment in the cavity may cause damage to the heating equipment due to electrical discharge or induced current under microwave irradiation. To evaluate the effect of the CNT content of the alumina composite on the microwave heating characteristics in detail, the temperature during microwave irradiation and the apparent dielectric loss were measured. As a result of this study, it was found that the microwave heating property can be controlled by adjusting the CNT content, and the prospect that CNT-containing alumina is effective as microwave absorbing heating material was obtained.



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