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Report No.

Pioneering applications in AMS for the development of environmental radiology; Studies towards the implementation of $$^{90}$$Sr and $$^{135}$$Cs AMS

Honda, Maki   ; Martschini, M.*; Lachner, J.*; Marchhart, O.*; Wieser, A.*; Priller, A.*; Steier, P.*; Golser, R.*; Sakaguchi, Aya*

We have developed new analytical methods for$$^{90}$$Sr (28.79 yr) and $$^{135}$$Cs (2.3x10$$^{6}$$ yr) by accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) for the further development of the research on the environmental fate of artificial radionuclides$$^{90}$$Sr and $$^{137}$$Cs (30.1 yr). The AMS method enables the analysis of trace amounts of$$^{90}$$Sr and $$^{135}$$Cs with a simple chemical separation procedure. Having a longer half-life $$^{135}$$Cs applies as a proxy for $$^{137}$$Cs. For $$^{90}$$Sr, SrF$$_{2}$$ targets were prepared from radioactive environmental reference materials with known $$^{90}$$Sr concentrations (IAEA) by a chemical separation procedure that takes about two days to complete. $$^{90}$$Sr measured by AMS at VERA, University of Vienna. As a result, a limit of detection of $$<$$0.1 mBq was obtained, which is comparable to the $$beta$$ ray measurement. The detection of $$^{90}$$Sr in environmental samples was also successful, indicating that the $$^{90}$$Sr AMS can apply to environmental samples. On the other hand, there are still some technical challenges in the $$^{135}$$Cs AMS. Therefore, the experimental measurements are in progress.



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