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Identification of sub-$$mu$$s isomeric states in the odd-odd nucleus $$^{178}$$Au


Gillespie, S. A.*; Stott, A.*; Andreyev, A. N.; 他30名*

Gillespie, S. A.*; Stott, A.*; Andreyev, A. N.; 30 of others*

Proton-rich Au isotopes are an excellent laboratory to study shape coexistence and isomerism at low excitation energies. In this work, two new isomeric states were found in the odd-odd nuclide $$^{178}$$Au in an experiment at RITU in JYFL, Jyvaskyla. These two isomers significantly extend the current knowledge of this nucleus and pave the way to future in beam studies where they will be used to tag new gamma rays. Possible spin assignments for the new isomeric states are proposed. Finally, the new data will help clarify the poorly known $$alpha$$-decay scheme of two long-lived states in the $$^{182}$$Tl to $$^{178}$$Au decay chain.



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分野:Physics, Nuclear



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