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$$K^-pp$$ bound system at J-PARC


佐久間 史典*; 橋本 直   ; 谷田 聖   ; 他66名*

Sakuma, Fuminori*; Hashimoto, Tadashi; Tanida, Kiyoshi; 66 of others*

The $$bar{K}NN$$ bound system, symbolically denoted as "$$K^-pp$$", is the simplest $$bar{K}$$-nuclear bound system which has been widely discussed as a consequence of the strongly attractive $$bar{K}N$$ interaction in $$I = 0$$ channels. Many theoretical works have pointed out the existence of the "$$K^-pp$$" bound system, but the calculated properties such as the binding energy and the width spread out due to the uncertainty of the $$bar{K}N$$ interaction below the $$bar{K}+N$$ mass threshold. Experimentally, there are several reports on observation of a "$$K^-pp$$" candidate with the binding energy of around 100 MeV, however, no definitive evidence was available so far. At J-PARC, we conducted a experimental search for the "$$K^-pp$$" bound system using $$K^- + ^3$$He reaction at 1.0 GeV/$$c$$ where the "$$K^-pp$$" is expected to be directly produced via the $$(K^-, n)$$ reaction. We finally observed a bound state below the $$K^- +p+p$$ mass threshold in the $$Lambda pn$$ final state, which can be interpreted as the "$$K^- pp$$" bound state. The possible existence of the "$$K^- pp$$" state is discussed from both aspects of production and decay.



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分野:Physics, Applied



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