Calculation of recoil nucleus spectrum in the presence of multi-particle emission in nuclear reaction with Monte Carlo method as an extension of CCONE code
岩本 修
Iwamoto, Osamu
Application of Monte Carlo method was proposed for the calculations of recoil nucleus spectra on high energy nuclear reactions, in which velocity distributions were integrated over 3 dimensional space with taking into account multi-particle emissions. It was implemented on a nuclear reaction model code CCONE. The results of double differential cross sections of recoil nuclei from a proton induced reaction on C were compared with the experimental data and the results of a Monte Carlo simulation code PHITS. It was found that the present results show reasonably good agreements with the experimental data for almost all measured recoil nuclei. The results are also compared with the data of evaluated nuclear data libraries of ENDF/B-VIII.0 and TENDL-2017. While the average energies of the recoil nuclei are similar, significant differences are observed in the energy distributions.
- 登録番号 : AA20210422
- 抄録集掲載番号 : 50001097
- 論文投稿番号 : 25858
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