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Development of evaluation framework for ex-vessel core coolability


松本 俊慶 ; 岩澤 譲  ; 杉山 智之 

Matsumoto, Toshinori; Iwasawa, Yuzuru; Sugiyama, Tomoyuki


A methodological framework is being developed in JAEA for evaluating debris coolability at ex-vessel during the severe accident (SA) of BWR under the wet cavity strategy. The probability of ex-vessel debris coolability under the wet cavity strategy is analyzed to demonstrate the evaluation approach. Probabilistic distribution of the melt conditions ejected from the RPV was obtained as the result of the iterative analyses with MELCOR code. Five uncertainty parameters relating with the core degradation and transfer process were chosen. Parameter sets were generated by Latin hypercube sampling (LHS). JASMINE code plays the physical model to predict the mass fraction of agglomerated debris and melt pool spreading on the floor. Fifty-nine input parameter set for JASMINE code were generated by LHS again using the probabilistic distribution of melt condition determined from the results of MELCOR analyses. The depth of the water pool was set as 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 m. The accumulated debris height was compared with the criterion to judge the debris coolability. As the result, the success probability of debris cooling was obtained through the sequence of calculations.



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