※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Bayesian sparse modeling of extended X-ray absorption fine structure to determine interstitial oxygen positions in yttrium oxyhydride epitaxial thin film


熊添 博之*; 五十嵐 康彦*; Iesari, F.*; 清水 亮太*; 小松 遊矢*; 一杉 太郎*; 松村 大樹   ; 齋藤 寛之*; 岩満 一功*; 岡島 敏浩*; 妹尾 与志木*; 岡田 真人*; 赤井 一郎*

Kumazoe, Hiroyuki*; Igarashi, Yasuhiko*; Iesari, F.*; Shimizu, Ryota*; Komatsu, Yuya*; Hitosugi, Taro*; Matsumura, Daiju; Saito, Hiroyuki*; Iwamitsu, Kazunori*; Okajima, Toshihiko*; Seno, Yoshiki*; Okada, Masato*; Akai, Ichiro*

This letter presents a Bayesian sparse modeling method to analyze extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) data with basis functions built on two-body signals. This method allows us to evaluate regression coefficients proportional to the radial distribution functions of the respective elements and their errors and is very effective for analysis of EXAFS with weak absorption intensity and severe signal-to-noise ratio. As an application example, we used it to analyze EXAFS of an yttrium oxyhydride (YO$$_{x}$$H$$_{y}$$) epitaxial thin film. This EXAFS data shows weak absorption intensity due to the small amount of X-ray absorption in the thin film sample. However, this approach revealed that the radial distance ratio of the second neighbor yttrium to the first neighbor oxygen coincides with that of a tetrahedral configuration. This result demonstrates that the interstitial oxygen position is tetrahedral in the YO$$_{x}$$H$$_{y}$$ thin film.



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分野:Nanoscience & Nanotechnology



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