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Transport and supply process of $$^{22}$$Na and $$^{7}$$Be depositions in Tsuruga city

吉田 圭佑; 加藤 慎吾; 井上 睦夫*; 石塚 晃弘 ; 奥山 慎一 

Yoshida, Keisuke; Kato, Shingo; Inoue, Mutsuo*; Ishizuka, Akihiro; Okuyama, Shinichi


$$^{22}$$Na is observed for environmental monitoring of Monju fast breeder reactor because Monju reactor contains $$^{22}$$Na in primary coolant. But $$^{22}$$Na is produced in upper atmosphere, therefore, $$^{22}$$Na is detected in assembled deposition sample. To increase accuracy of environmental monitoring, it is necessary to understand transport and supply process of $$^{22}$$Na and $$^{7}$$Be depositions from high latitude region where a lot of $$^{22}$$Na is produced. We collect deposition samples at Tsuruga city to measure $$^{22}$$Na and collect $$^{7}$$Be deposition data in 5 sites in Fukui prefecture and Ishikawa prefecture. Because $$^{22}$$Na and $$^{7}$$Be shows good correlation, $$^{22}$$Na have same behavior with $$^{7}$$Be. $$^{7}$$Be deposition is maximum at Kanazawa city and minimum at Shika town, but $$^{7}$$Be deposition is maximum in Winter season at all sites. $$^{7}$$Be deposition and precipitation shows correlation. From the above, Winter monsoon transport $$^{7}$$Be and $$^{22}$$Na from high latitude region and precipitation provide these nuclides to ground surface at Tsuruga city. The deference of $$^{7}$$Be deposition in Winter season is likely owing to height of mountain and distance of sampling sites.



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