Measurement of velocity and temperature profiles in boundary layer with steam condensation
相馬 秀
; 安部 諭
; 柴本 泰照
; 石垣 将宏* 
Soma, Shu; Abe, Satoshi; Shibamoto, Yasuteru; Ishigaki, Masahiro*
The experimental data of boundary layer profiles are necessary to validate condensation models applied in numerical simulation of CFD codes and also to develop wall treatment models for heat and mass transfer in the presence of significant buoyancy and suction. The available data for velocity, temperature, and concentration boundary layer, however, is quite limited. In this study, we present experimental results of measuring boundary layer profiles by our experimental facility WINCS (WINd tunnel for Condensation of Steam and air mixture). WINCS is a once-through type of wind tunnel having a 1.5m-long measuring part of rectangular duct. The velocity and temperature profiles were obtained with laser doppler velocimetry and thermocouple, respectively. The temperature data was then used to calculate the steam concentration boundary layer by assuming local thermodynamic equilibrium. The laminar boundary layer profiles were obtained in the present condition. The dropwise condensation and fimwise condensation are available in this apparatus. We also conducted numerical simulations with CFD codes and compared the experimental and numerical results of boundary layer profiles and heat fluxes. The wall condensation model based on Stefan flow and bulk condensation model were used in the numerical analysis. The comparison, in general, shows good agreement between the experimental and numerical results.