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Report No.

Separation of palladium by solvent extraction with methylamino-bis-$$N,N$$-dioctylacetamide and direct electrodeposition from loaded organic phase

Matsumiya, Masahiko*; Song, Y.*; Tsuchida, Yusuke*; Sasaki, Yuji  

The development of solvent extraction and direct electrodeposition processes is an important task to reduce the volume of secondary wastes. In this study, the extraction of Pd(II) from hydrochloric/chloride media using methylimino-bis-$$N,N$$-dioctylacetamide (MIDOA) in three diluents (acetophenone; AP, 1,2-dichloroethane; DCE, or 1-octanol; OC) and the electrochemical behavior of the extracted Pd(II) complex in the MIDOA/AP bath was investigated. Pd(II) was found to be reduced to Pd(0) metal via a two-electron transfer between -2.38 V and -3.40 V. The potentiostatic electrodeposition of the extracted Pd(II) complex enabled us to recover the blackish electrodeposits, which were identified as Pd metal.



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Category:Engineering, Chemical



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