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 年 ~ 


Production posibility of medical radioisotopes in the experimental fast reactor Joyo

前田 茂貴   

Maeda, Shigetaka


The objectives of this study are a production of Actinium-225 in Japan, and the use of the experimental fast reactor, Joyo. In this concept study, the technical bases of the production should be established. This concept study shows that the experimental fast reactor Joyo can produce a sufficient amount of Ac-225. This has been confirmed by calculation. The existing refueling and PIE transfer systems with some modifications can quickly transfer irradiated Ra-226 to the neighboring PIE facility. We have completed the concept design for the modifications. Issues and challenges are procuration of Ra-226, Joyo restart, for which we need take measures to meet the new regulations of NRA, Japan, licensing for RI use, production, and disposal, and, demonstration of Ac-225 production in Joyo.



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