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Report No.

Final Debriefing Session on the Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory Project, February 9, 2022, Mizunami-shi, Gifu-ken, Japan

Nishio, Kazuhisa*; Hanamuro, Takahiro  ; Mikake, Shinichiro 

Research and development project, Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory (MIU) Project at the Tono Geoscience Center (TGC) of Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA), has been performed since 1996 and ended in 2019 fiscal year. On January 14, 2022, construction work such as backfilling of the research tunnels of the MIU was also successfully completed. After the research results has been compiled, we decided to hold a final debriefing session to report the research results obtained from the project and the construction details such as backfilling of the tunnels. This report summarized the presentation materials used in "The Final Debriefing Session on the Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory Project" held on February 9, 2022.



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