Evaluation of critical experimental core configurations to simulate non-uniform fuel debris
郡司 智
; 荒木 祥平
; 須山 賢也; 井澤 一彦 
Gunji, Satoshi; Araki, Shohei; Suyama, Kenya; Izawa, Kazuhiko
The fuel debris is expected to have not only heterogeneous but also non-uniform compositions. Therefore, the calculation method used in their criticality management is required to be validated experimentally. In this study, several core configurations of a new critical assembly "STACY" of JAEA with non-uniform arrangements of uranium oxide fuel rods, concrete rods and stainless steel rods, which are components of the fuel debris, were studied. In each case, the median value of 100 sample patterns was larger than the mean effective multiplication factor. It was also confirmed that there are differences in the effective multiplication factor of more than one dollar by the pattern changing, and that the neutron spectra can change significantly by changing the local neutron moderation conditions. In particular, the effective multiplication factor became smaller when over-moderated regions with large water-to-fuel ratios were formed in the core configurations due to increases in thermal neutron absorption. Such criticality experiments with non-uniform arrangements of multiple compositions will be useful to evaluate the validity of the calculation code.