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Report No.

Sorption of Sn and Nb on montmorillonite at neutral to alkaline pH

Ishidera, Takamitsu ; Okazaki, Mitsuhiro*; Yamada, Yoshihide*; Tomura, Tsutomu*; Shibutani, Sanae*

The distribution coefficient (${it K$_{d}$}$) value of radionuclides is an important parameter in the radionuclide migration analysis in the safety assessment of the geological disposal of high-level radioactive waste. The ${it K$_{d}$}$ values must be extensively evaluated especially under conditions where they might be decreased to improve the reliability of safety assessment. In this study, the pH dependence of the ${it K$_{d}$}$ values for Sn and Nb on montmorillonite was evaluated using batch sorption experiments at neutral to alkaline pH, which might be caused by the leaching of cementitious materials and the corrosion of carbon steel. The ${it K$_{d}$}$ values were determined in the range 8 $$<$$ pH $$<$$ 12 by the experiments and were found to decrease with increasing pH. A model calculation using a thermodynamic sorption model was conducted on the measured pH dependence of the ${it K$_{d}$}$ values. Two different sorption sites were required to describe the pH dependence of the ${it K$_{d}$}$ values of Sn in the model calculation, whereas one sorption site was considered predominant in the sorption of Nb.



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Category:Nuclear Science & Technology



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