※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Research activities for corrosion of nuclear structural materials in JAEA; Irradiation effects on corrosion

JAEAにおける原子炉構造材料の腐食に関する研究活動; 腐食における照射効果

加治 芳行  

Kaji, Yoshiyuki


Since structural materials of nuclear reactors are subjected under various radiation conditions such as high-energy neutron irradiation during reactor operation, the degradation behavior of nuclear structural materials is quite different from that of structural materials used in non-nuclear industry fields. We have been conducted analysis and evaluation for the clarification of stress corrosion cracking (SCC) of low carbon stainless steels in light water reactor (LWR), irradiation and corrosion behaviors of ferritic steels in accelerator driven system, corrosion acceleration mechanism of carbon steels under various environments of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (1F). In this lecture, we will introduce research activities of corrosion of nuclear structural materials in JAEA from viewpoint of irradiation effects on corrosion.



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