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 年 ~ 

Estimation of the activity median aerodynamic diameter of plutonium particles using image analysis


高崎 浩司  ; 安宗 貴志  ; 山口 祐加子; 橋本 周  ; 前田 宏治  ; 加藤 正人   

Takasaki, Koji; Yasumune, Takashi; Yamaguchi, Yukako; Hashimoto, Makoto; Maeda, Koji; Kato, Masato


The aerodynamic radioactive median diameter (AMAD) is necessary information to assess the internal exposure. On June 6, 2017, at a plutonium handling facility in Oarai site of Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA), during the inspection work of a storage container that contains nuclear fuel materials, accidental contamination occurred and five workers inhaled radioactive materials including plutonium. Some smear papers and an air sampling filter were measured with the imaging plate, and we conservatively estimated minimum AMADs for two cases, plutonium nitrate and plutonium dioxide. As a result of AMAD estimation, even excluding a giant particle of a smear sample, the minimum AMADs of plutonium nitrate from smear papers were 4.3 - 11.3 $$mu$$m and those of plutonium dioxide were 5.6 - 14.1 $$mu$$m. Also, the minimum AMAD of plutonium nitrate from an air sampling filter was 3.0 $$mu$$m and that of plutonium dioxide was 3.9 $$mu$$m.



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分野:Nuclear Science & Technology



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