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Post fission time evolution calculation by FIFRELIN coupled with PHITS and DCHAIN


小川 達彦   ; Litaize, O.*; Mancusi, D.*; Chebboubi, A.*; Serot, O.*

Ogawa, Tatsuhiko; Litaize, O.*; Mancusi, D.*; Chebboubi, A.*; Serot, O.*


The Monte-Carlo code FIFRELIN was originally developed for the simulation of first chance fission of fissile nuclei. It can predict fission observables such as fragment yields and neutron yields accurately by using experimental data and databases. However, FIFRELIN cannot calculate remnant dose and decay heat considering delayed decay of fission fragments. Moreover, FIFRELIN can predict the energy spectra of neutrons and gammas but further transport calculation required generation of heavy external files. In this study, FIFRELIN was interfaced to radiation transport code PHITS to perform burn up calculation and particle transport calculation. Owing to the burn up calculation, decay heat and remnant dose were calculated for given irradiation condition and cooling period. Interface of particle transport calculation by PHITS and FIFRELIN can perform particle transport simulation based on the source term calculated by FIFRELIN.



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分野:Physics, Nuclear



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