Denitration characteristics of aqueous metal nitrate solution by microwave heating with carbon nanotube-containing alumina composite ceramic jacket
瀬川 智臣
; 川口 浩一
; 石井 克典
; 長川 玄汰*; 田丸 彩夏*; 深澤 智典*; 石神 徹*; 福井 国博*
Segawa, Tomoomi; Kawaguchi, Koichi; Ishii, Katsunori; Nagakawa, Genta*; Tamaru, Ayaka*; Fukasawa, Tomonori*; Ishigami, Toru*; Fukui, Kunihiro*
Microwave heating in combination with an external heating source has been used to improve powder properties by compensating for heat transfer losses. However, the external heating source in the microwave irradiation field may degrade the heating elements. A hybrid heating method has been developed to use composite ceramic jacket prepared by adding carbon nanotube (CNT) to alumina. To evaluate the effect of CNT-containing alumina composite ceramic jacket (CNT jacket), experiments were implemented. In both copper nitrate solution and nickel nitrate solution, the time to reach the maximum temperature was earlier when the CNT jacket was used than when the alumina jacket was used. The temperature of the nickel nitrate solution was kept at the maximum temperature when the CNT jacket was used, while the temperature tended to decrease after reaching to 280
C when the alumina jacket was used. The hybrid heating method using the CNT jacket can obtain metal oxides.