※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

原子力の安全性向上に対する熱流動研究の貢献,3; ナトリウム冷却高速炉開発の今; 開発プロセスの変革に向けて

Contribution of thermal hydraulics study for enhancement of nuclear plant safety, 3; Present status of sodium-cooled fast reactor development; To realize the innovation of development process

田中 正暁  

Tanaka, Masaaki


Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) is promoting research and development (R&D) related to fast reactors and nuclear fuel cycles as a contribution to carbon neutrality through the investigation of innovative technologies such as safety improvement. In order to maintain, develop, and provide the technological infrastructure for nuclear power plant innovation, that is the role of JAEA, an integrated evaluation method "ARKADIA" is under development to create innovative plant concepts and reform of the development process utilizing the wide range of knowledge cultivated through the development of fast reactors in JAEA. This presentation introduces the current status of development of sodium-cooled fast reactors and the ARKADIA-Design as a part of ARKADIA for design optimization support to address the R&Ds on thermal-hydraulics-related issues for design evaluation.



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