Assessment of radioactive contamination and effectiveness of remedial measures in urban environments, Report of Working Group 2, Modelling and Data for Radiological Impact Assessments (MODARIA) Programme
Boznar, M. Z.*; Charnock, T. W.*; Chouhan, S. L.*; Grsic, Z.*; Halsall, C.*; Heinrich, G.*; Helebrant, J.*; Hettrich, S.*; Ku
a, P.*; Mancini, F.*; Mlakar, P.*; Patryl, L.*; Sdouz, G.*; 高原 省五
; Tay, B. K.*; Thiessen, K. M.*; Walter, H.*; Yankovich, T.*; Yu, C.*
Boznar, M. Z.*; Charnock, T. W.*; Chouhan, S. L.*; Grsic, Z.*; Halsall, C.*; Heinrich, G.*; Helebrant, J.*; Hettrich, S.*; Ku
a, P.*; Mancini, F.*; Mlakar, P.*; Patryl, L.*; Sdouz, G.*; Takahara, Shogo; Tay, B. K.*; Thiessen, K. M.*; Walter, H.*; Yankovich, T.*; Yu, C.*
The IAEA organized a programme from 2012 to 2015 entitled Modelling and Data for Radiological Impact Assessments (MODARIA), which aimed to improve capabilities in the field of environmental radiation dose assessment by acquiring improved data, model testing and comparison of model inputs, assumptions and outputs, reaching a consensus on modelling philosophies, aligning approaches and parameter values, developing improved methods and exchanging information. This publication describes the activities of Working Group 2, Exposures in Contaminated Urban Environments and Effect of Remedial Measures.