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Report No.

Alteration behavior of buffer material under high alkaline condition; A Batch type reaction experiment and modeling

Ichikawa, Nozomi*; Hamamoto, Takafumi*; Sasamoto, Hiroshi   ; Ichige, Satoru*; Kawakita, Ryohei  ; Fujisaki, Kiyoshi*

For model validation of bentonite behavior under high alkaline condition, a batch type reaction experiment and modeling were performed. In the batch type reaction experiment, simulated solutions for the leachate from cement material (Region I solution of pH13 simulated by mixture of both 0.2M NaOH and KOH solutions, Region II solution of pH12.5 simulated by 0.016M CaOH$$_{2}$$ solution) and bentonite (Kunigel V1 and Kunipia F) were reacted under L/S ratio of 50 mL/g and temperature for either 25 or 50 degrees, and for 2 years as the maximum duration. As the results, for example of the experiment for reactions between Region I solution and Kunipia F at 50 degrees, the peak intensity for montmorillonite slightly decreased with time and the new formed secondary mineral suggested as phillipsite occur. Geochemical modeling for this experimental case was performed. Regarding the amount of montmorillonite dissolution, the modeling considering the reactions of both montmorillonite dissolution and ion exchange approximated the experimental result well, however, the addition of the secondary mineral precipitation reaction was less effective. Sensitivity analyses considering the parameter uncertainties of secondary mineral precipitation reaction stimulated that the inconsistency was not dependent on the parameter uncertainties.



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