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Development of diagnostic technique for equipment abnormality under high radiation environment by spatial sound field measurement using LDV

村田 篤*; 猿田 晃一   ; 涌井 隆  ; Li, Y.*; 二川 正敏  ; 大島 良太*; 古河 裕彦*

Murata, Atsushi*; Saruta, Koichi; Wakui, Takashi; Li, Y.*; Futakawa, Masatoshi; Oshima, Ryota*; Furukawa, Hirohiko*


Characteristics of sound field measurement using a laser Doppler vibrometer (LDV) have been investigated with the aim of evaluating the applicability of the optical measurement method of sound fields to a diagnostic technique for equipment abnormality in high radiation environments. Important aspects of sound measurement using a LDV are discussed based on its dependence on optical path length and sound frequency in terms of anomaly detection and diagnosis in terms of anomaly detection and diagnosis.



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