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Summaries of research and development activities by using supercomputer system of JAEA in FY2021 (April 1, 2021 - March 31, 2022)

システム計算科学センター 高性能計算技術利用推進室

HPC Technology Promotion Office, Center for Computational Science & e-Systems


Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) conducts research and development (R&D) in various fields related to nuclear power as a comprehensive institution of nuclear energy R&Ds, and utilizes computational science and technology in many activities. As shown in the fact that about 20 percent of papers published by JAEA are concerned with R&D using computational science, the supercomputer system of JAEA has become an important infrastructure to support computational science and technology. In FY2021, the system was used for R&D aiming to restore Fukushima (environmental recovery and nuclear installation decommissioning) as a priority issue, as well as for JAEA's major projects such as research and development of fast reactor cycle technology, research for safety improvement in the field of nuclear energy, and basic nuclear science and engineering research. This report presents a great number of R&D results accomplished by using the system in FY2021, as well as user support, operational records and overviews of the system, and so on.



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