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 年 ~ 


Development of high resolution oceanic dispersion model in the coastal ocean

川村 英之  

Kawamura, Hideyuki


The Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) conducted oceanic dispersion analysis and estimation of release amount into the ocean after the Fukushima accident to understand the effect of radionuclides on the marine environment. The oceanic dispersion analysis suggested that a part of radionuclides was transported in the east direction by the Kuroshio Extension and diluted by mesoscale eddies. It was also suggested that mesoscale oceanographic phenomena gave the large effect on oceanic dispersion in the coastal ocean. JAEA also developed the high resolution oceanic dispersion model in the coastal ocean off Fukushima. It can calculate radionuclide concentrations in the suspended and seabed sediment phases. The oceanic dispersion analysis suggested that radionuclides were mainly distributed in the seabed sediment in the north and south direction, which was effected by the bottom topography in the coastal ocean off Fukushima.



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