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Mechanical property evaluation on irradiated materials with gradient damage distribution using micro-indentation tests


酒井 知紀*; 涌井 隆  ; 斎藤 滋   ; 二川 正敏  ; 森 孝太郎*

Sakai, Tomoki*; Wakui, Takashi; Saito, Shigeru; Futakawa, Masatoshi; Mori, Kotaro*


Radiation damage to materials is a factor that determines the lifetime of equipment used in high-radiation environments, and it is essential to understand the radiation damage. Ion irradiation has been used as a method of simulating irradiation damage, but the damage area is limited to the thin surface layer and has a gradient damage distribution. Therefore, micro-indentation test was applied as the method to investigating the mechanical properties and then the hardness in irradiated and unirradiated area. Increase of hardness due to irradiation was confirmed and the hardness increased by adding light ion. On the other hand, amount of increase in hardness decreased with increasing the irradiation temperature.



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