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Report No.

Investigation on the temperature dependence of G value of H$$_{2}$$ in Reprocessing Solutions, 5; Experimental apparatus and its validation test for measuring radiolytic H$$_{2}$$ production from aqueous plutonium nitrate solution

Kumagai, Yuta   ; Oyama, Kanichi*; Sato, Tomonori  ; Ishijima, Yasuhiro ; Taguchi, Mitsumasa*; Watanabe, Masayuki   ; Abe, Yuma; Nakano, Masanao*; Tamauchi, Yoshikazu*

Radiolysis of water generates H$$_{2}$$ gas. The radiolytic H$$_{2}$$ production inevitably goes on when an aqueous solution contains radioactive nuclides such as plutonium nitrate solution in the nuclear fuel reprocessing. In order to obtain experimental data for the H$$_{2}$$ safety assessment, we carried our measurements of H$$_{2}$$ production from the aqueous plutonium nitrate solution at elevated temperatures. In this presentation, we will talk about experimental apparatus and results of a validation test of the apparatus using Co-60 gamma source.



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