※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Pole position of $$Lambda(1405)$$ measured in $$d(K^-,n)piSigma$$ reactions


相川 脩*; 橋本 直   ; 谷田 聖   ; 他73名*

Aikawa, Shu*; Hashimoto, Tadashi; Tanida, Kiyoshi; 73 of others*

We measured a set of $$pi^pmSigma^mp$$, $$pi^0Sigma^0$$, and $$pi^-Sigma^0$$ invariant mass spectra below and above the $$bar{K}N$$ mass threshold in $$K^-$$-induced reactions on deuteron. We deduced the $$S$$-wave$$bar{K}NrightarrowpiSigma$$ and $$bar{K}Nrightarrowbar{K}N$$ scattering amplitudes in the isospin 0 channel in the framework of a $$bar{K}N$$ and $$piSigma$$ coupled channel. We find that a resonance pole corresponding to $$Lambda(1405)$$ is located at 1417.7$$^{+6.0}_{-7.4}$$(fitting errors)$$^{+1.1}_{-1.0}$$(systematic errors) + $$[-26.1^{+6.0}_{-7.9}$$(fitting errors)$$^{+1.7}_{-2.0}$$(systematic errors)]$$i$$ MeV/$$c^2$$, closer to the $$bar{K}N$$ mass threshold than the value determined by the Particle Data Group.



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分野:Astronomy & Astrophysics



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