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 年 ~ 

Development of treatment for low radioactive waste in Tokai Reprocessing Plant; Study on cement solidification in full-scale kneading

東海再処理施設における低放射性廃棄物の処理技術開発; 実規模混練によるセメント固化の検討

片岡 頌治; 角田 弘貴; 松島 怜達 ; 佐藤 史紀 ; 白水 秀知 

Kataoka, Shoji; Tsunoda, Hiroki; Matsushima, Ryotatsu; Sato, Fuminori; Shirozu, Hidetomo


Low Active Waste Treatment Development Facility (LWTF) in Tokai Reprocessing Plant (TRP) is a facility for treatment of low-radioactive liquid and solid wastes generated from the TRP. The liquid wastes treated in LWTF are concentrated low-radioactive liquid waste and phosphoric acid solution, and they are planned to be solidified with cement in our new equipment. The concentrated liquid wastes are separated into slurry and carbonate compounds by a nuclide separation equipment currently in LWTF and a nitrate decomposition equipment which is under development, and then the cement solidification will be carried out on each liquid waste. Currently, studying and designing for the introduction of the nitrate decomposition equipment and cement solidification equipment is in progress. In this paper, results of the cementation demonstration on simulated waste liquids of the carbonate, phosphoric acid and slurry are reported.



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