※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

シグマ委員会設立60周年記念; 核データ研究へのオールジャパンでの取り組み,1; シグマ委員会60年の歩み

60th Anniversary of Investigation Committee for Nuclear Data; All Japan endeavor for nuclear data activities, 1; 60 years of Investigation Committee for Nuclear Data

深堀 智生  

Fukahori, Tokio


Initially, the Sigma Committee consisted of two sides of the same coin: the Atomic Energy Society of Japan (AESJ) Sigma Special Committee and the Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (JAERI) Sigma Research Committee. It is original the Sigma Committee conducts actual work such as research, evaluation and evaluation of nuclear data (including measurement, called "nuclear data activity") rather than a "place for examination" that can be felt from the sense of the word "committee". At present, the AESJ's Investigation Committee of Nuclear Data and the JAEA's JENDL Committee are working independently, and the JENDL Committee has taken over the actual work of producing nuclear data files. On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Sigma Committee, we have reviewed its progress and historical description so far given in the references.



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