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An Introduction to ecosystem services for radiological protection

Martinez, N. E.*; Canoba, A.*; Donaher, S. E.*; Garnier-Laplace, J.*; 木名瀬 栄   ; Mayall, A.*; Stark, K.*; Whicker, J.*

Martinez, N. E.*; Canoba, A.*; Donaher, S. E.*; Garnier-Laplace, J.*; Kinase, Sakae; Mayall, A.*; Stark, K.*; Whicker, J.*

This paper provides an overview of ecosystem services and an introduction to the ongoing work of ICRP Task Group 125. The mandate of the recently formed ICRP Task Group 125 is to explore and share knowledge on ecosystem services by providing background and general recommendations on how ecosystem services can support a holistic approach to environmental radiological protection (ERP) and, as specifically relevant to ERP, explore how the system of radiological protection contributes to the delivery of sustainable development. ICRP is considering the potential for ES to be useful in RP in support of a more robust approach to ERP.



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