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Report No.

Direct mass-spectrometric imaging method for difficult-to-measure radioisotopes

Yanagisawa, Kayo; Matsueda, Makoto   ; Furukawa, Makoto*; Hirata, Takafumi*; Takagai, Yoshitaka*

Determinations of radioisotopes in fuel debris and radioactive wastes are important for decommissioning of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. Difficult-to-measure radioisotopes such as Sr-90 have been measured by radiometric analysis and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), the methods have not achieved the distribution of the radioisotopes on the sample's surface due to its digestion process of the samples before measurements. Laser ablation (LA)-ICP-MS can obtain the distribution information of radionuclides directly on the surface of solid samples. In contrast, the quantification with the method is difficult caused by the spectral interferences and matrix effects from samples. In this study, a quantification method was developed combined with LA-ICP-MS and isotope dilution method. The proposed method was applied for Sr-90 quantification.



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