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Formation of high-quality SiO$$_{2}$$/GaN interfaces with suppressed Ga-oxide interlayer via sputter deposition of SiO$$_{2}$$

Onishi, Kentaro*; Kobayashi, Takuma*; Mizobata, Hidetoshi*; Nozaki, Mikito*; Yoshigoe, Akitaka ; Shimura, Takayoshi*; Watanabe, Heiji*

While the formation of an GaO$$_{x}$$ interlayer is key to achieving SiO$$_{2}$$/GaN interfaces with low defect density, it can affect the reliability and stability of metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) devices if the annealing conditions are not properly designed. In the present study, we aimed to minimize the growth of the GaO$$_{x}$$ layer on the basis of the sputter deposition of SiO$$_{2}$$ on GaN. Synchrotron radiation X-ray photoelectron spectrometry measurements confirmed the suppressed growth of the GaO$$_{x}$$ layer compared with a SiO$$_{2}$$/GaN structure formed by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition. Negligible GaO$$_{x}$$ growth was also observed when subsequent oxygen annealing up to 600$$^{circ}$$C was performed. A MOS device with negligible capacitance-voltage hysteresis, nearly ideal flat-band voltage, and low leakage current was demonstrated by performing oxygen and forming gas annealing at temperatures of 600$$^{circ}$$C and 400$$^{circ}$$C, respectively.



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Category:Physics, Applied



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