※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Development of failure mitigation technologies for improving resilience of nuclear structures, 6; Resilience improvements of fast reactors by failure mitigation for excessive earthquake

原子炉構造のレジリエンス向上のための破損拡大抑制技術の開発,6; 過大地震に対する破損拡大抑制による高速炉のレジリエンス向上

山野 秀将   ; 二神 敏  ; 安藤 勝訓 ; 栗坂 健一 

Yamano, Hidemasa; Futagami, Satoshi; Ando, Masanori; Kurisaka, Kenichi


In this study, the dynamic structural analysis of the reactor vessel for excessive earthquake using the FINAS/STAR code has shown the elephant foot buckling deformation and calculated the cumulative fatigue failure fraction. Using the calculation results, this paper describes the fragility curve using the safety factor method, indicating the significantly improved curve compared the previous one.



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