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Report No.

Compton camera measurements of radiation distribution images at Hamadori, Fukushima Prefecture

Kawahara, Rika*; Ochi, Kotaro   ; Yamaguchi, Katsuhiko*; Torii, Tatsuo*  

The accident at the Fukushima Daiichi NPP resulted in a large amount of radioactive material being dispersed into the surrounding environment. It is important to understand the radiation distribution in the area, which is still located in the difficult-to-return zone. In this study, a Compton camera and an optical camera were combined to produce a three-dimensional distribution map of source locations and their intensities. Two locations in the difficult-to-return zone (Okuma town) were surveyed: a park parking lot and the area around a private house. The distribution of air dose rates was determined by measurements with a survey meter with a wand-type GPS (Gamma Plotter H manufactured by Nippon Radiation Engineering Co. Measurements were taken with a Compton camera (H420, H3D, USA) at several different positions and angles towards the hotspots. The software (Application Programming Interface Example) allowed real-time confirmation of the radiation incident information (incident time, energy, x, y, z) obtained by the Compton camera. By photographing hotspots in high-dose areas from different positions and angles, the location of the radiation sources and their spatial extent could be confirmed.



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