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 年 ~ 

Precise lifetime measurement of $$^4_Lambda$$H hypernucleus using in-flight $$^4$$He$$(K^-, pi^0)^4_Lambda$$H reaction


赤石 貴也; 橋本 直   ; 谷田 聖   ; 他35名*

Akaishi, Takaya; Hashimoto, Tadashi; Tanida, Kiyoshi; 35 of others*

We present a new measurement of the $$^4_Lambda$$H hypernuclear lifetime using in-flight $$K^-$$ + $$^4$$He $$rightarrow$$ $$^4_Lambda$$H + $$pi^0$$ reaction at the J-PARC hadron facility. We demonstrate, for the first time, the effective selection of the hypernuclear bound state using only the $$gamma$$-ray energy decayed from $$pi^0$$. This opens the possibility for a systematic study of isospin partner hypernuclei through comparison with data from ($$K^-$$, $$pi^-$$) reaction. As the first application of this method, our result for the $$^4_Lambda$$H lifetime, $$tau(^4_Lambda mathrm{H}) = 206 pm 8 (mathrm{stat.}) pm 12 (mathrm{syst.}) mathrm{ps}$$, is one of the most precise measurements to date. We are also preparing to measure the lifetime of the hypertriton ($$^3_Lambda$$H) using the same setup in the near future.



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分野:Astronomy & Astrophysics



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