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Effect of substrate surface conditions before anodization on shape of Si micro-nano rolls

Qiao, Y.*; 新井 太貴*; 鈴木 俊明*; 吉越 章隆 ; 丹羽 雅昭*; 本橋 光也*

Qiao, Y.*; Arai, Taiki*; Suzuki, Toshiaki*; Yoshigoe, Akitaka; Niwa, Masaaki*; Motohashi, Mitsuya*


Roll-like structures with a thickness of about 1 $$mu$$m fabricated by anodization of the surface of single-crystalline Si wafers have the potential to be applied to a variety of devices. With the aim of controlling the thickness and length of the rolls, the influence of the surface condition of the Si substrate before anodization was investigated. It was found that Pt coating before anodization was effective in controlling the thickness of rolls. Furthermore, it was found that this result was not affected by the doping types.



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