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Report No.

System of radiological protection; Towards a consistent framework on earth and in space

R$"u$hm, W.*; Ban, Nobuhiko*; Chen, J.*; Li, C.*; Dobynde, M.*; Durante, M.*; El-Jaby, S.*; Komiyama, Tatsuto*; Ozasa, Kotaro*; Sato, Tatsuhiko   ; Semones, E. J.*; Shavers, M.*; Shurshakov, V.*; Straube, U.*; Tomi, L.*; Ulanowski, A.*; Vaillant, L.*; Xu, Z.*; Zervides, C.*; Zhou, G.*

The International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) provides independent recommendations on radiological protection for the public benefit. For more than 90 years, the ICRP System of Radiological Protection has been guiding the development and implementation of national and international standards and regulations on radiological protection. In 2019, ICRP established Task Group (TG) 115 to address a broader range of topics related to dose and risk assessment for radiological protection of astronauts. This paper gives an overview of the System of Radiological Protection and a brief summary of ICRP's work on radiological protection of astronauts.



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Category:Radiology, Nuclear Medicine & Medical Imaging



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