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Report No.

Cleaning of the inner surface for Separated-type Drift Tube Linac with Dilute Hydrochloric Acid

Arai, Sora; Kosaka, Satoshi*; Nemoto, Yasuo*; Kitamura, Ryo   

The linac located at the head of the J-PARC accelerators and required to provide the stable and high-quality beam. One of the accelerating cavities in the linac is the Separated-type Drift Tube Linac (SDTL). It is important to appropriately apply the RF power into the cavity for the stable operation. However, after the recovery from the Great East Japan Earthquake, the RF power could not be applied into the cavities for several SDTL cavities because the voltage standing wave ratio increased around the designed operating power. The investigation revealed that the inner surface of the cavity was exposed to high humidity and the backflow of oil from the rotary pump for a long period of time after the earthquake. It was suggested that the residue on the inner surface caused the multipactor resulted in the failure when the power was applied. The residue was wiped out with organic solvents and acids, resulted in solving the failure. This report describes the method and results of the cleaning for the cavity in 2021.



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