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Report No.

Stabilization treatment of the sludge items containing nuclear materials at Plutonium Conversion Development Facility

Tanigawa, Masafumi ; Nakamura, Daishi; Asakawa, Naoya*; Seya, Kazuhito*; Omori, Fumio*; Koiso, Katsuya*; Horigome, Kazushi ; Shimizu, Yasuyuki

At plutonium conversion development facility, the neutralization sedimentation and the coagulation sedimentation (sludge) items are stored in a polyethylene container packed in the plastic bag. The neutralization sedimentation items and the coagulation sedimentation items are stored in the globe box and storage room in the facility, respectively. Some sludge items generate gases, that swelled the plastic bag. We should ensure whether the bag swelling by visual confirmation. When the swelling is confirmed, those containers are transferred to the glove box to exchange the plastic bag for new one. By keeping the above procedure, those items were stored safely in the facility since its founding. The stabilization work for enhance the safe storage was planned to reduce the gas generation of the sludge items caused by the radiolysis of water. Those sludge items have the containing a sodium nitrate that has moisture-absorption characteristic. Therefore, the stabilization method aimed to remove the sodium nitrate from the items. The work was conducted from August 2018 to August 2022. The sodium concentration in items were reduced to 3 wt% or lower. Each stabilized sludge item packed in plastic bag were confirmed its swelling for over one year in the storage place. No gas generation from all item has been observed for more than the one year. And while both the neutralization and the coagulation sedimentation items were stored they were not the increasing of the moisture in the items. As a result, those items were evaluated that will not generate gases any more and confirmed to be stabilized after this treatment. Then, those neutralization sedimentation items were stored in powder cans and transferred to powder storage room as a retained waste. Based on the above results, risks of the gas generation from sludge items were decreased enough. Therefore, the safety of the stored sludge item was improved and confirmed.



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