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Surface structure of Anodic Oxide Layer with Si Micro-Nano Rolls

新井 太貴*; Qiao, Y.*; 鈴木 俊明*; 吉越 章隆 ; 丹羽 雅昭*; 本橋 光也*

Arai, Taiki*; Qiao, Y.*; Suzuki, Toshiaki*; Yoshigoe, Akitaka; Niwa, Masaaki*; Motohashi, Mitsuya*


In this study, it was found that the relationship between anodisation time and surface morphology after anodic oxidation of silicon oxide layers on p-type Si substrates. The unique meso-materials (Si rolls) are formed by using extremely diluted HF solution for anodization. The resistance between the electrodes during anodization initially increased with increasing anodization time and then becomes constant value. After some time, it gradually increased again. It seems to consider an important parameter to control the formation of Si rolls and those numbers.



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