※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Nonperturbative fixed points and breakdown of Large-N analysis in O(N) models

藪中 俊介; Delamotte, B.*

Yabunaka, Shunsuke; Delamotte, B.*

We find that the multicritical fixed point structure of the O($$N$$) models is much more complicated than widely believed. In particular, we find new nonperturbative fixed points in three dimensions ($$d=3$$) as well as at $$N = infty$$ and for $$3le d<4$$. These fixed points come together with an intricate homotopy structure when they are considered as functions of $$d$$ and $$N$$ $cite{ref}$. The fact that the new nonperturbative fixed points at $$N=infty$$ had not been found questions the conventional large $$N$$ expansion, which plays a fundamental role in quantum and statistical field theory. We show on the example of the O$$(N)$$ model that at $$N=infty$$, its standard implementation misses in all dimensions below $$d=4$$ the new nonperturbative fixed points. These new fixed points show singularities under the form of cusps at $$N=infty$$ in their effective potential that become a boundary layer at finite $$N$$. We show that they have a physical impact on the multicritical physics of the $$O(N$$) model at finite $$N$$. We also show that the boundary layer also plays a role for the tetracritical case $cite{tetra}$, but in a different way than the tricritical case.



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