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Development of nuclear fuel fabrication technology using stereolithography and material extrusion

瀬川 智臣 ; 渡部 雅  ; 川口 浩一  ; 石井 克典 ; 加藤 正人   

Segawa, Tomoomi; Watanabe, Masashi; Kawaguchi, Koichi; Ishii, Katsunori; Kato, Masato


As an innovative nuclear fuel fabrication technology, a nuclear fuel fabrication technology using a stereolithography method has been developed. In this study, additive manufacturing experiments were performed using simulated materials by the stereolithography method and the material extrusion method, and the applicability of the technologies to the nuclear fuel fabrication process was evaluated. The experimental results showed that both the stereolithography method and the material extrusion method were capable of fabricating green pellets, and the results suggest the possibility of application to the nuclear fuel fabrication process.



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