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 年 ~ 

Combining a lipophilic phenanthroline carboxamide and a hydrophilic diglycolamide to increase the separation factors of adjacent light lanthanides

Simonnet, M.   ; 佐々木 祐二  ; 矢板 毅

Simonnet, M.; Sasaki, Yuji; Yaita, Tsuyoshi

The combination of two neutral CHON reagents, a lipophilic phenanthroline dicarboxamide and a hydrophilic diglycolamide resulted in a synergistic separation of adjacent light lanthanides in nitrate medium as they present reversed extraction trends. Separation factors higher than 7 were obtained for the pair Pr/Nd, which is one of the highest values reported in the literature.



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分野:Chemistry, Multidisciplinary



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