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Report No.

Study of recovery waste from High Active Solid Waste Storage (HASWS) at Tokai Reprocessing Plant, 2; Study of underwater ROV

Sano, Kyohei; Tameta, Yuito ; Ito, Satoshi; Akiyama, Kazuki 

Toward the decommissioning of HASWS in Tokai Reprocessing Plant, we are developing equipment for recovery waste from wet storage. So far, after conducting surveys and operability confirmations of ROVs that have been used for decommissioning in the UK, we have conducted mock-up trials using an ROV tester. In the mock-up trial, simulated waste was placed in various postures and orientations in a mock-up facility simulating the HASWS. We confirmed that the ROV could cut the wires attached to the waste, that the waste could be moved using the underwater ROV and buoyancy, and that the ROV could attach hanging tools to the waste. A result was obtained regarding the removal of waste using an underwater ROV, etc., so I will report it.



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