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Report No.

Step unbunching phenomenon on 4H-SiC (0001) surface during hydrogen etching

Sakakibara, Ryotaro*; Bao, J.*; Yuhara, Keisuke*; Matsuda, Keita*; Terasawa, Tomoo   ; Kusunoki, Michiko*; Norimatsu, Wataru*

We here report a step unbunching phenomenon, which is the inverse of the phenomenon of step bunching. When a 4H-SiC (0001) surface is annealed at a high temperature, step bunching arises due to the different velocities of the step motion in adjacent steps, resulting in steps with a height of more than several nanometers. We found that the bunched steps, thus, obtained by hydrogen etching in an Ar/H$$_{2}$$ atmosphere were "unbunched" into lower height steps when annealed subsequently at lower temperatures. This unbunching phenomenon can be well explained by the consequence of the competition between energetics and kinetics. Our findings provide another approach for the surface smoothing of SiC by hydrogen etching and may give significant insight into the application of SiC power devices and two-dimensional materials growth techniques in general.



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Category:Physics, Applied



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