Corrosion behavior of carbon steel in bentonite-silica sand mixtures under a wide range of environmental conditions
鈴木 宏幸*; 北山 彩水 ; 三ツ井 誠一郎 ; 谷口 直樹
Suzuki, Hiroyuki*; Kitayama, Ayami; Mitsui, Seiichiro; Taniguchi, Naoki
The environmental conditions around carbon steel overpacks in geological disposal are expected to be diverse cases depending on geological environment of the repository and may also vary depending on changes in conditions after repository closure. In this study, with the aim of understanding corrosion behavior under such environmental conditions, immersion tests with different conditions were conducted in bentonite/silica sando mixture assuming a buffer material to be constructed around the overpack under a wide range of conditions, including temperature and water quality beyond the assumed range of conventional environmental conditions, and the effects on corrosion behavior were evaluated.