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Report No.

Human resource development for decommissioning of JAEA's facilities

Takiya, Hiroaki 

A half of unclear facilities in Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) has been transferred to decommissioning phase because of achieving the expected goals for the research and development, aging of buildings and equipment, etc. JAEA must safely, efficiently, and rationally implement back-end measures related to decommissioning, from the dismantling of nuclear facilities to the processing and disposal of radioactive waste generated by dismantling. The decommissioning and radioactive waste management head office collaborates with each JAEA's site to plan and promote comprehensive back-end measures and promote near surface disposal of low-level radioactive waste generated from research, medical, and industrial facilities, and to work on research and development aimed at solving common issues related to back-end measures, human resource development, etc. Since decommissioning is a long-term project, it is important to secure specialized human resources for the future. This article presents a summary of human resource development for decommissioning.



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