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Report No.

Symmetric fission properties of neutron-rich transfermium nuclei

Asai, Masato  

Symmetric fission properties of neutron-rich transfermium nuclei have been studied through the measurements of spontaneous fission fragments of $$^{258}$$Fm, $$^{259}$$Md, and $$^{259}$$Lr. These nuclei were produced in the multinucleon transfer reactions with the $$^{18}$$O beam and the $$^{254}$$Es target, and in the fusion-evaporation reaction of $$^{248}$$Cm($$^{15}$$N,4n)$$^{259}$$Lr at the JAEA tandem accelerator facility. The reaction products were mass-separated with the on-line isotope separator (ISOL), and the kinetic energies of spontaneous-fission fragments were measured with 4 pairs of Si semiconductor detectors. The deduced fission-fragment mass distributions and total kinetic energy distributions have revealed the detailed properties of symmetric fissions in this neutron-rich Fm and transfermium nuclei.



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