保管廃棄施設・Lにおける廃棄物容器の健全性確認; 計画立案から試運用まで
Inspection of radioactive waste packages stored in the Waste Storage Facility L; Planning and trial operation
川原 孝宏; 須田 翔哉; 藤倉 敏貴; 政井 誓太 ; 大森 加奈子; 森 優和; 黒澤 剛史; 石原 圭輔; 星 亜紀子 ; 横堀 智彦
Kawahara, Takahiro; Suda, Shoya; Fujikura, Toshiki; Masai, Seita; Omori, Kanako; Mori, Masakazu; Kurosawa, Tsuyoshi; Ishihara, Keisuke; Hoshi, Akiko; Yokobori, Tomohiko
We have been storing drums containing radioactive waste (radioactive waste packages) at waste storage facilities. We have been managing radioactive waste packages along traditional safety regulations. However, over 40 years has passed from a part of them were brought in pit-type waste storage facility L. Most of them are carbon steel 200 L drums, and surface of them are corroded. For better safety management, we started to take drums out from the pit and inspect them in FY 2019. After each inspection, we repair them or remove the contents of the drum and refill new drums if necessary. In this report, we will introduce the planning, the review of the plan, and the trial operation of this project.